Steamed Egg with Dried Scallops & Prawns

Steamed Egg with Dried Scallops And Prawns

  • Difficulty Level: 2
  • Serves Serves: 4
  • Preparation


  • Cooking


What You Will Need

Made with
Lee Kum Kee products

How to make it

  1. Add dried scallops to a small bowl.
    Pour a little water and steam over high heat for 30 minutes until soft. Set aside.
  2. Peel and devein the prawns with tails.
    Marinate for 5 minutes and cook in boiling water until done. Set aside.
  3. Season the eggs and mix well. 
    Pour ⅘ of the egg mixture into a shallow dish.
    Wrap with cling film and put it into the wok.
    Steam over high heat for 12 minutes.
  4. Add dried scallops and prawns over the steamed egg.
    Pour the remaining egg mixture.
    Steam for another 3 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Serve. 

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