Abalone and Chicken Zoodles

Abalone and Chicken Zoodles

  • Difficulty Level: 2
  • Serves Serves: 4
  • Preparation


  • Cooking


What You Will Need

Made with
Lee Kum Kee products

How to make it

  1. Marinate the chicken for 10 minutes. Steam the chicken, then let cool, and shred.
  2. Sprinkle 1/4tsp of salt onto zucchini, marinate for 5 minutes. Rinse and squeeze the cucumber lightly. Remove any excessive water.
  3. Mix the seasoning well.
  4. Toss the chicken, zucchini, abalone and the dressing together. Sprinkle with sesame.
  5. Tips:

    Use a spiralizer to make noodle-like zucchini. 

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