Stir Fry Roasted Pork Belly with Pickled Mustard Green

Stir Fry Roasted Pork Belly with Pickled Mustard Green

  • Difficulty Level: 2
  • Serves Serves: 4
  • Preparation


  • Cooking


What You Will Need

Made with
Lee Kum Kee products

How to make it

  1. Soak the pickled green mustard in water to remove the saltiness. 
  2. Over medium high heat, pan fry the pork belly until golden. Set aside.

  3. Fry the ginger, chili and carrot until fragrant. Add in mustard green and pork belly. 
  4. Add seasoning and cook until sauce thickens. Add in celery, mix well and serve. 
  5. Tips:

    Soak the pickled mustard green in water overnight for a lighter taste. Adding chili will create a more complex flavour profile.

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